| 1. | Karachi also receives the tail end of the monsoon rains Karachi并且接受季风雨的尾巴末端。 |
| 2. | The city has hot summers with monsoon rains occurring during july and august 城市有热夏天与季风雨发生在7月期间和8月。 |
| 3. | Monsoon rains and poor drainage enable the disease to thrive in many indian cities 季风降雨以及排水不畅,使得这种疾病仍在印度的许多城市中肆虐。 |
| 4. | On july 26 , 2005 , over 500 people died when monsoon rains caused flooding around mumbai ( bombay ) , india 2005年的七月26日,在印度的孟买各地有超过500人死于非命,由季候雨(风)引发的洪涝灾害。 |
| 5. | Caused by unusually heavy monsoon rain , the floods were among the most disastrous hitting the region in recent decades 是次水灾是由季候风相关的罕见大雨引致的,是该区近数十年来情况最严重的一次水灾。 |
| 6. | Caused by unusually heavy monsoon rain , the floods were among the most disastrous hitting the region in recent decades 是次水灾是由季候风相关的罕见大雨引致的,是该区近数十年来情况最严重的一次水灾。 |
| 7. | Hundreds of people are killed in mountainous nepal every year in floods and landslides , which are common during the annual monsoon rains from june to september 在多山的尼泊尔,在6 9月的梅雨季节,每年都有几百人死于洪水和泥石流。 |
| 8. | Mr deshmukh said the ban had been prompted by the indiscriminate use of plastic bags , which blocked sewage and drainage systems during record monsoon rains 戴希穆说,这个禁令主要是基于大众滥用塑胶袋,在雨季的豪雨来袭时,这些塑胶袋又会阻塞排水系统。 |
| 9. | As the romantic monsoon rains loom , the extended verma family reunites from around the globe for a last - minute arranged marriage in new delhi 在浪漫的雨季迫近新德里之时,拉利维马正在为他美丽的女儿阿蒂筹备婚礼,不过他并不知道,即将要结婚的阿蒂还和一个有妇之夫暗通款曲。 |
| 10. | A driver tries to go back to his submerged car to retrieve his belongings in chittagong , bangladesh . at least 67 people were killed in mudslides triggered by heavy monsoon rains 洪灾6月11日,孟加拉一名司机在洪水中不顾生命安危朝自己被淹的汽车游去,试图抢救车上的财物。孟加拉吉大港近日遭遇暴雨袭击,共造成至少67人死亡。 |